Mindfulness for Kids Who Stress Out
We’ve been looking for simple and practical ways to practice mindfulness for kids, because everyone stresses out. Yes even our children stress out too. They just might not show it the same way we do. So let's give them some much-needed zen.
Grayson has observed us meditating and practicing mindfulness in the mornings and when we're trying to quiet down for bed so he's pretty curious about what we're doing.
No we're not just pretending to sleep (lol OK sometimes we do fall asleep because mama needs a nap). But I simply tell him we're calming down and just, breathing.
For kids who need to de-stress, I like using the visual of blowing air into balloons or blowing out birthday candles as a mindfulness practice.
So we take 5 (or whatever age they are) breaths in... and out .... together. This intentional breathing not only works to start and end our day, but it's a life-saver for when we're at the brink of a meltdown.
Because when we and our kids are being mindful, our minds are relaxed. We can act from a place that is calm and clear, instead of overreacting to and escalating the situation.
Families who practice mindfulness can do it as a preventative measure, so when the need arises they have the tools necessary to cope. Keeping them in mind in the moment is a skill that needs to be strengthened through daily practice.
Studies show meditation can also help kids with being present, coping with anxiety, and overall stress reduction. That’s enough for us to start looking for small opportunities to be more mindful in our kid’s lives.
Who else wishes they learned those skills a little earlier themselves? Happy meditating mamas - wishing you & the kiddos an extra zenful day!
Mindfulness for Kids Who Stress Out