When Can Real Growth Start?
Today we're talking about growth. Does real growth start when you're tired of your same old story and excuses? Or does it take more than words to activate change? What would it look like for you and your loved ones if you actually declared that this story is no longer serving you?
Someone said “real growth starts when you’re tired of your own shit” and I felt it. It’s been the same story, same excuses, same circumstances that we’ve blamed for so long... isn’t it time to let go?
I’m NOT saying to just forget it, or that our feelings aren’t valid or to spiritually bypass something we need to grow through. What I AM encouraging is that we stop beating ourselves up and start dealing with them, and putting the work in to heal our wounds.
Key Takeaways on How to Experience Real Growth
Be Honest about the benefits of staying the same: What are you really holding onto - and what are you afraid of?
Don't give into the "Microwave Culture": Just because it isn't instant results or instant gratification doesn't mean the work you're putting in isn't working. You are worth the work and wait.
There is no need to be traumatized: A quote only gets you started. The fact is, most people won't actually change until there's a significant emotional event that's relative to the person that will force change. Do you have to wait?
Thank your old stories: They were there for a reason but they are no longer serving you. Declare new ones as your truth.
When Can Real Growth Start?
Be Honest:
One of the first things we can do to experience real growth is to be honest with ourselves about what the benefits of staying small and the same are. What about our current situation are we really holding on to - even subconsciously?
And if you're thinking, “No, I want to change my life - why would I otherwise stay in a job I don't like or get the money I deserve to be making? Why would I stay overweight on purpose? Why would I want to be in shitty relationships guy after guy?”
Be Honest About The Benefits of Staying Small
When Can Real Growth Start?
The simple answer is, because it's hard.
Learning how to get in a new industry that you didn’t go to school for is hard.
Learning how to start your own business is hard.
Working out and losing tens or 100 pounds is HARD.
Learning how to truly love yourself before the next guy wants to promise you that he'll be different, is HARD.
It’s much easier and more comfortable to stay small because it doesn’t force you to get uncomfortable. It allows you to keep complaining, blaming, and stay inactive. Being aware that “choosing to do nothing” is still a choice.
Don’t Give Into The “Microwave Culture”:
We are raised in a “microwave culture”, as Darren Hardy calls it in his book ”The Compound Effect”. We millennials are born in an era of instant results. If there isn't a quick fix to our problem in 7 days or less - then it doesn’t work. Why bother?
Because it’s your happiness, health, and relationships on the line. For the rest of your life. For your entire existence on this planet. Let that sink in.
Do you want to experience life the way you're experiencing it now or worse for the rest of your life?
If you are unhappy with an area in your life, truly unhappy, and feeling hopeless, are you willing to surrender to that as your TRUTH and LIMIT for the rest of your life? Or are you willing to put in the HARD WORK that may take YEARS to live the life you know you deserve?
If you are in a place where the benefits of changing start to outweigh the comfort of staying the same, I want you to know that YOU get to decide how long you are willing to endure suffering, and how much of it is enough for you to do something about it.
there is no need to be traumatized
When Can Real Growth Start?
I know how scary it seems to take responsibility for where you are in life when it’s easier to point the finger anywhere else besides inward. But please beware of the “comfort zone” you’ve created. It’s a trap, and no one is going to help pull you out if you’re dragging your legs to stay.
Comfort zones are designed to protect you. Your brain is saying, “Don't move, stay still! Don't pass this line because something on the other side might kill you.“
So there is a time and function for our comfort zones - but check in on what you're so afraid of and ask yourself if it's going to be your literal cause of death.
Look truth about this quote “real growth starts when you’re tired of your own shit” is that when you realize you’re tired of your own shit you might START the process of wanting change. But it’s only temporary and transient right?
The fact is, most people won't actually change until there's a significant emotional event that's relative to the person that will force change.
For example, having kids, having an near-death experience, or having someone close to you die and feeling it could've easily been you. These significant emotional traumas cause, if not force, change. But what if you didn't have to wait for that?
thank your old stories & create new ones
When Can Real Growth Start?
thank your old stories:
You can be aware of those old stories thank them - because they did serve a purpose at one point - and move on.
Make a declaration to yourself that you you will no longer need them and that you have new stories to tell - based on your desire, based on your realities that you’ve created, based on your TRUTHS.
If you’re waiting for permission to start changing the role you play in your own story, you have it. You’ve always had it.
The question is, are you so tired of your own shit that you’re actually going to do something about it?
Tune into “When Can Real Growth Start?”, also released on The Momillennial Podcast (S1E3).
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